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Chatbots and voice assistants can be used for repetitive processes that often can be automated. That is why customer service was the first to adopt chatbots...
As conversation designers, we design the best we can. We follow the steps in the conversation design workflow. There is canvassing the user needs, sample...
Conversation design is booming. People around the world are entering this new exciting field to help organizations develop human-centric conversational...
The people that we have a deep and meaningful relationship with, are the ones we care about. We trust them, listen to them, and forgive them when necessary.
Conversational AI is a thing. It's being used for chatbots, voice assistants, and all kinds of robots. Designers nowadays have to design conversations for all...
Let’s be honest, most chatbots and voice assistants kind of suck. They often don’t understand what you say and what you want to achieve. They are clumsy and...
If humans and AI will be living and working together, they need to learn to communicate with each other. This is where conversation designers come in....
As conversation design is becoming more and more popular, it is important to understand some of the fundamentals. Sure, we can talk about advanced...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly more important in our daily lives. It often plays an important role and we even hardly notice it. The ads...