White Paper Downloads & Additional Courses
Find a range of white papers that are available for download as well as additional courses you can enroll into. Understand various issues dealing with Conversation Design, such as how companies can benefit CxD, steps to building a great Chatbot, taking your career to the next level and more!
Why Every Company Benefits from a Conversation Designer
Conversation Design is here to stay. Every organization that invests in AI Assistants will have to invest in conversation design or they won't be able to successfully deploy and use them.
How to take your career as a UX writer to the next level
As a UX-writer, you have a strong advantage when entering the world of conversation design. Our proven workflow and defined roles within the conversation design team show that UX-writers are the ones with the highest potential to seamlessly migrate towards this new and exciting field.
How Vodafone Trained & Certified more than 100 Conversation Designers
Vodafone worked with the Conversation Design Institute to train and certify employees on a new AI assistant they plan on having to automate 85% of customer conversations.
Conversation Design Toolkit
The Conversation Design Toolkit will help you design better conversations. Use the workflow to create a smooth & scalable AI Assistant and receive different canvases for each phase of your project.
Designing Conversations with Voiceflow & CDI
Learn to create voice, chat, and multi-modal assistants inside Voiceflow’s prototyping tool. Build and scale your first experience while following the CDI workflow.
CDI Course Syllabi
Download the course syllabus to any 3 of our CDI bundled courses to find out the learning material for the course, more information about your instructors, reviews from our alumni, and more!
Conversation Designer Course Syllabus
See the possibilities of what a Conversation Designer can do! Become familiar with the course material, your instructors, and more!
Conversational Copywriter Course Syllabus
The Conversational Copywriter turns words into dialogue. Working together closely with the AI Trainer & Conversation Designer, look over all the information you'll learn in this course.