The Conversation Design Institute Blog

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Safe & secure enterprise CX in the age of AI

In case you missed out on our recent webinar hosted by Hans Van Dam with Thomas Kuruvilla and John F. Andersen from the Quiq team on the topic: " Safe & secure...

What bots and stakeholders think of each other - Utrecht University's research on how chatbots are perceived - front line agents and their management

In case you missed out on this awesome webinar with Gabriëlla Martijn on the topic: "What bots and stakeholders think of each other - Utrecht University's...

Unlocking Chatbot Success: Navigating the Maturity Path of Analytics and Reporting

In case you missed out on this awesome webinar with Hans Van Dam and Henry Hu on the topic of "Unlocking Chatbot Success: Navigating the Maturity Path of...

Crafting a Convincing Chatbot Business Case

In case you missed out on this year's first webinar with Hans Van Dam and Luke Kempen on the topic of "Crafting a Convincing Chatbot Business Case", you can...

1 Year After The Launch Of Chat GPT: What Are LLM's Impact On Conversational AI?

In case you missed out on our amazing discussion this week on "1 Year After The Launch Of Chat GPT: What Are LLM's Impact On Conversational AI?", you can now...

Should Conversational User Interfaces Make Human 'Errors'?

In case you missed out this amazing session on "Should Conversational User Interfaces Make Human 'Errors'?", you can now explore our walkthrough where we...

Implementing better CX with Generative AI

In a recent webinar, Pernille Hansen explored the transformative potential of generative AI in enhancing customer experiences. The webinar, focused on better...

Using Chatbots: Where And When

Navigating the Conversational AI Landscape: Insights from Jasper Klimbie

Getting Started With Conversational AI Basics

The world of chatbots and conversational AI has come a long way, and with each passing day, it's getting more sophisticated and intelligent. In a recent...